Friday, April 9, 2010

alas. the waiting is over

last 2 days, me got an acceptance letter from UNIKL for foundation program.. for those who read my blog knows how much me tried to get in this program..haha.. that doesn't matter anymore cause me got it.. YEAY ME.. the foundation program is at KOLEJ MARA KUALA NERANG, KEDAH... very, very far from me home.. actually, me never get there.. REALLY.. that's about to change rite.. LOL... hope the great things doesn't end here...

love it when he flipped his ears like that>>>

LOts of LOve,


Ruzaini Rahin said...


Nice blog.

See you there @KMKN. maybe i'll become one of facilitator on orientations weeks.

Ruzaini Rahin

Fatin Fatihah said...

thanksss.. see you theree.. hopefully=P

Anonymous said...

aten goodluck kat saner t...jgn sodih2 t..huhuhuhu

Fatin Fatihah said...

woit jang.. ko sapor.. bitau la... huhu

akiyaya said...

see you there! :)

Fatin Fatihah said...

yup2.. definitely

Anonymous said...

kau ingatkan kami disini....

Fatin Fatihah said...

uit.. saper nie.. haha..
aku sntiasa ingatkan kwn2 aku
janag cedey weyh..